Frequently Asked Q&A

A: For safety and privacy reasons, neither the landlord or we do not keep any keys to the unit. However, please double check as key unlocking service is available for the members of DK SELECT, or may be covered by your fire insurance.

* DK SELECT member: you may register for DK SELECT membership when you live in the rental properties of Daito Trust Construction. Members can benefit from various information, privilege, and services.
A: Regional rules apply for garbage collection. Please make sure you check the details of the rules as to pick up time and days, how to sort recycling waste (glass bottles, cans, PET bottles, newspapers), the place of trash disposal, how to sort burnable or non-burnable trash, and how to throw oversized trash.

If you don't follow the sorting rules or if you put them out other than the collection days, they will not be collected and this could cause trouble in the neighborhood, so be extra careful. In addition, some municipalities have designated trash bags. Please

Apartment Consultation (Free)

Frequently Asked Q&A

A: For safety and privacy reasons, neither the landlord or we do not keep any keys to the unit. However, please double check as key unlocking service is available for the members of DK SELECT, or may be covered by your fire insurance.

* DK SELECT member: you may register for DK SELECT membership when you live in the rental properties of Daito Trust Construction. Members can benefit from various information, privilege, and services.
A: Regional rules apply for garbage collection. Please make sure you check the details of the rules as to pick up time and days, how to sort recycling waste (glass bottles, cans, PET bottles, newspapers), the place of trash disposal, how to sort burnable or non-burnable trash, and how to throw oversized trash.

If you don't follow the sorting rules or if you put them out other than the collection days, they will not be collected and this could cause trouble in the neighborhood, so be extra careful. In addition, some municipalities have designated trash bags. Please check as many of the municipalities have the details up on their websites.

Apartment Consultation (Free)